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Roman Waki

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

Roman Waki




Roman Waki is a computer geek and tinkerer extrordiaire! Ever since he was young he was working with robots and playing with wires. At age 12 he had devised his own molecutronics manufacturing facility in his backyard lab! Roman was on track to a very promising career. He studied computer engineering and technology at the University of Imara and then did some graduate work at the Karoline University in the Kashmere province.


His first job was updating the entire computer control network at “The Pleasure Dome” on DIFDA II (Argo). The Pleasure Dome is a huge, glassteel hemisphere 200M diameter and 75M high constructed on a giant Hydraulic mechanism set in bedrock 100M below the surface of Argo’s ocean. The Dome can be raised or lowered so that guests can have a view of the local undersea flora and fauna. He had his first taste of success and the pleasures it brings there.


Having set that up successfully, he took a job for Epsilon Pi (or Epsilon Party as it has become known as). It is a large moon orbiting a gas giant in the Aldebaran system in the Carlisle province. It is famous for it’s “Adventure Islands” attraction. A chain of isolated islands where staff and computers create whatever fantasy the customer wants. The price is very high, but reportedly the fantasy is very realistic.


Roman, being the young successful man that he was, spent a little too much time testing their facilities and found that he had run up quite a tab. A man of his skills with access to the planet’s main computers and a addiction to high priced entertainment could only add up to one thing,...10 years for embezzelment. Roman knew it would have been more if they had found the rest, but he covered his tracks well.

After he got out he found that he had been black listed. He couldn’t get a job anywhere except at his home planet’s orbital station, and that was only because his Dad knew the station’s administrator. Idle hands are the devil’s playground.

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