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Emerich Rach

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

Emerich Rach



Emerich is one of the Hyperion “free traders”. He is one of five main privateering kingpins on this independent world. Like all other successful businessmen of Hyperion, Emerich sells manpower services to the Devonian court for dirty jobs in which the Devonians would rather not be directly implicated. Emerich is shrewd, but not as much of a cut-throat as other crime-lords on Hyperion tend to be.


He is a Terran human without family or inheritance, having managed to assemble his vast private operating army in only fifteen years of operations. He also won most of his extensive military hardware reserves through gambling set-ups on other independent worlds. Because of this, there are quite a few gutter rats of the underworld who would prefer to see Emerich in vacuum.


His operatives are carefully chosen by his first officer of operations, Jewel Coz. Those admitted into Emerich’s ranks tend to look up to him as a father figure. He is stern, fair, and has given the more promising drop-outs of Devonian society a place to call home.


Since many of Emerich’s activities are covertly sanctioned by the Devonian court of nobles, his ships, although often boarded, are usually granted free passage by Devonian security forces. Emerich never, well... only occasionally, abuses the quasi-trust that has been granted to him by the court out of the necessity to have non-Devonian forces at their disposal.


Emerich likes the position that he holds because he receives exorbitant fees for his performance of covert operations. He would never like to find himself in a situation were he could get cut off from the Devonian slush fund.

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